DON’T begin a running programme until you’ve had a full medical check-up if you’re over 40, significantly overweight, have been seriously ill in the past year or have a family history of heart disease. These are the Best weight loss pills.
DO tell someone where you’ll be running and when you expect to return. Carry some identification and 10p for a phone call.
DO watch out for cars, and don’t expect drivers to watch out for you. Always run facing traffic so that you can see cars approaching. When crossing a junction, make sure you establish eye contact with the driver before proceeding.
DO try some light stretching exercises before and after your walk/run sessions, to reduce muscle tightness and increase your range of motion. This is how glucofort helps you improve your dietary results.
DO include a training partner in your programme if possible. A partner with similar abilities and goals can add motivation and increase the safety of your running.
DO dress correctly. If it’s dark, wear white or, better yet, reflective clothing. If it’s cold, wear layers of clothing, gloves or mittens and a woollen ski hat to retain heat. Sunblock, sunglasses, a cap and white clothing make sense on hot days.
DON’T run in worn-out shoes, or in shoes that are designed for other sports.
DON’T attempt to train through an athletic injury. Little aches and pains can sideline you for weeks or months if you don’t take time off and seek medical advice.
DON’T wear headphones when running outdoors. They tune you out from your surroundings, making you more vulnerable to all sorts of hazards including cars, bikes, dogs and criminals.
DON’T run in remote areas, especially if you’re running alone. If you don’t have a training partner, run with a dog or carry a personal attack alarm. Don’t approach a car to give directions, and don’t assume that all runners are harmless. Check out these prostadine reviews.
A Runners Guide
by Amby Burfoot,
So you want to start running? You’ve heard it’s inexpensive, great for your health, the best way to lose weight (and keep it off). You’ve got friends who run, and they’re trim, happy, centred and productive.
Running also looks like a straightforward enough sport. There’s only one thing that’s bothering you: if running’s so simple, why do you have so many questions? You’re not alone. Read more about legal steroids.
Every beginner worries about how to get started and has a lot to ask – about how to get motivated, what to eat, how to avoid injuries and when, where and how much to run. No problem. We’ve got the answers – from experts who have been teaching beginners for years, and from others who’ve certainly been around the block. Every runner began with a first step. You can, too.
Make all the excuses you want. Then get on with it
You don’t have time; you don’t have the energy; it’s too cold/hot/rainy; the dog ate your shoelaces. Uh-huh. Now go out and run. Online running coach Dean Hebert has heard so many excuses from his runners that he assembled them into a book: Coach, I Didn’t Run Because…Excuses Not to Run and How to Overcome Them (£9.99, Amazon). “These excuses are real to people, and I don’t diminish them,” says Hebert. “I tell my beginner runners to concentrate on the one reason that brought them to running in the first place. A clear focus can work magic on your motivation.” Keep track
Keeping a written diary is a highly successful way to stick with an exercise or diet programme. It doesn’t have to be fancy or sophisticated. Indeed, here you place the diary might be more important than what you write in it. Put a calendar on your fridge or in front of your computer, write down every time you complete a run and how far/for how long you ran, and take pride in watching those numbers build up. (Or feel guilty when they don’t! That’ll get you out). For more help you can purchase The Runner’s Diary: A Daily Training Log.